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May 08, 2020 1 min read

Full Body Workout - Using Bodyweight and Bands

At Home workout that can be done to help burn fat, build muscle and stay in shape. This routine is done by using bodyweight and bands.

We have posted several workouts per week (All other workouts are listed below), revolving around bodyweight/banded exercises. (that can also be followed with weights if you have them).

  1. Push Ups 3-4 Sets Until Failure
  2. Jump Squats 3-4 Sets Until Failure
  3. Band Side Lateral Raises 3-4 Sets Until Failure
  4. Band Curls 3-4 Sets Until Failure
  5. Band Single Arm Kick Backs 3-4 Sets Until Failure
  6. Mountain Climbers 3-4 Sets Until Failure
  7. Sprints 10 as hard as you can

Supplements you may want to add into your regimen to preserve muscle, and promote muscle recovery, check out: IntraBlast by NutraBio Or a new and promising formula to help promote lower stress, better sleep/recovery: Glaxon Serenity 

I also would look into products that can help boost your immune system and have your body operating at optimal levels. Check out the Immune Booster Collection. 

At-Home Workout Series

1000 Rep Full-Body Workout

At Home Workout: Mixing HIIT Cardio With Bodyweight Training

At Home Workout: Mixing HIIT Cardio With Bodyweight Training #2

At Home Workouts - Day 3

At Home Workouts - Day 4

At-Home Workouts - Day 5

At-Home Workout - Day 6

At-Home Workout - Day 7

At-Home Workout - Day 8

At-Home Workout - Day 9

Healthy Recipes to Make At-Home - Click Here

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