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Glaxon Serenity V3

Glaxon Serenity V3 is a product designed to normalize excessive physical and mental stress through multiple mechanisms of regulating Cortisol activity.  We’ve combined Phosphatidylserine with Quercetin and Magnolol/Honokiol to help regulate cortisol activity and decrease stress.  Additionally, Serenity also contains a new trademarked form of Ashwagandha named Shoden®, which actually contains 35% Withanolides, which is currently the highest standardization available in nutritional supplements.  Finally, in this new version of Serenity, we’ve included 2 new extracts to support mood and weight management: Sebrium DCD, a novel form of Kanna and Kyowa Quality® MHBA the bitter acids that are derived from hops.


Sometimes either excessive psychological stress or overtraining can cause an increase in a catabolic hormone, Cortisol.  Cortisol can cause decrements in muscle tissue and also make the body more susceptible to storing fat. Cortisol is a stress hormone that can also cause alterations in mood or judgement.  That’s why we’ve created Serenity - to dampen the effects of excessive cortisol and improve mood and sense of well-being.


Serenity works by modulating three separate mechanisms within the cortisol production pathway.  The leading hypothesis on Phosphatidylserine is that it has an inhibitory effect on secretion of ACTH (Adrenocorticotropic hormone) - which actually stimulates cortisol production.  Secondly, in an attempt to inhibit 11-beta hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase we’ve employed Quercetin and Magnolol to block this enzyme’s ability to convert cortisone into cortisol.  Quercetin also utilizes a secondary mechanism that inhibits steroid 11β-hydroxylase, which is an enzyme that creates cortisol from 11-deoxycorticosterone.  Then finally, we utilize Shoden®, a form of Ashwagandha with 35% Withanolide content to also support further stress reduction.

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