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Chest & Triceps Workout

July 26, 2020 1 min read

Super Sets:

  1. Flat bench 5x5 and cable v-bar extensions 4x15
  2. Incline barbell alternating press 4x6 and dumbbell overhead extensions 4x10
  3. Seated cable chest flys 4x10 and cable underhand extensions 4x10
  4. Decline dumbbell pullovers 4x10 and single arm cable extensions 4x15 

Supplement Stack

Preworkout - SuperHuman Burn

Creatine - Jet Gains

Multivitamin - 1st Phorm Micro-Factor

Joint Support - Alpha Lion Cyborg

Intra Workout - Axe and Sledge Demo Day

Aminos - Core Nutritionals ABC


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