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Hosstile Supplements Bloodshot

Stimulant Free Pump Preworkout

Pump Endurance Matrix

  • Powerful standalone stimulant-free pre-workout pump formula
  • Dosed for maximum performance*
  • Features GlycerSize, NO3-T Arginine Nitrate, PeakO2, and Huperzine A
  • Enhances nitric oxide for intense, longer-lasting muscle pumps*
  • Enhances strength and musclebuilding*
  • Promotes endurance, energy, and focus*
  • Fully disclosed formula


BLOODSHOT’s powerful, non-stimulant pre-workout formula delivers five cutting-edge, premium ingredients that work synergistically to support an all-out pump experience unlike anything else.*


BLOODSHOT™ delivers a high-potency 6-gram dose of vegan, fermented ultra-pure L-citrulline. L-citrulline is readily absorbed and converted to L-arginine in the body, leading to increases in both L-arginine and nitric oxide.* Increased nitric oxide promotes vasodilation, or the widening of blood vessels, facilitating greater blood flow as well as higher nutrient and oxygen delivery to working muscles during exercise for powerful muscle pumps.*


Cutting-edge patented NO3-T® Nitrate Technology fuses nitric acid with L-arginine for a powerful pump-enhancing ingredient.* Combining these two highly effective, clinically researched ingredients has been shown to promote greater plasma nitric oxide levels than either alone.* Research shows nitric oxide bioavailability is also enhanced when combining L-arginine with L-citrulline.* BLOODSHOT taps into these ingredient synergies, amplifying the power of L-citrulline with an added 2 grams of NO3-T Arginine Nitrate and 600 mg of NO3-T Beet Root Extract 2% Nitrate to support intense, longer-lasting muscle pumps.*


BLOODSHOT also includes a 1.5-gram dose of agmatine sulfate, a powerful ingredient that studies suggest enhances nitric oxide levels.* Agmatine sulfate is a metabolic by-product of L-arginine and is designed to act as a supercharged form L-arginine to support increased blood flow to working muscles during exercise.*


The BLOODSHOT pump matrix features a 3-gram dose of GlycerSize™ designed to support powerful muscle pumps, enhance endurance performance, and improve recovery.* This ultra-premium ingredient is a highly concentrated and more stable form of glycerol powder, yielding a minimum of 65% glycerol. Glycerol is rapidly absorbed in the body and works to help supersaturate muscles with water and nutrients, enhancing muscle hydration, endurance, and fullness.*


BLOODSHOT features four scientifically validated ingredients—creatine, betaine, taurine, and PeakO₂—designed to enhance endurance and promote muscle- and strength-building by supporting workout performance.


Creatine monohydrate remains the most researched and proven form of creatine available. Creatine monohydrate improves your body's ability to quickly replenish and recycle adenosine triphosphate (ATP), the energy currency of muscle cells, giving them more fuel for your lifts.* It also helps pull more water into muscle cells, supporting improved cellular hydration as well as a pumped effect.* BLOODSHOT features a clinically researched 3-gram dose of creatine monohydrate to support increases in lean muscle, strength, and endurance.*


Betaine has been shown to enhance strength, power, and muscle endurance.* BLOODSHOT features a clinical 4-gram dose to support your workout performance.* By acting as a methyl donor, betaine may enhance creatine availability.* Similar to creatine, betaine is also osmoregulatory, helping to regulate water balance and promote cell hydration.*


Along with 4 grams of betaine anhydrous, BLOODSHOT also delivers a clinical 2-gram dose of taurine. Taurine has been shown to enhance endurance performance.* Like betaine, taurine is a well-researched regulator of cell volume, acting as an osmolyte to help draw water into muscle cells.*


PeakO₂® is a potent complex of six adaptogenic mushrooms scientifically shown to help the body adapt to and overcome physical and mental stress when performing intense exercise.* By improving oxygen utilization in the body while decreasing lactate build-up in muscles, PeakO₂ supports increased strength, power, and endurance, helping you train harder for longer.* BLOODSHOT delivers a researched 2-gram dose designed to fuel all-out workout performance, from start to finish.*


BLOODSHOT delivers two brain optimizers to support a state of peak mental performance while you train.*


BLOODSHOT delivers a 1-gram dose of vegan, fermented L-tyrosine. Tyrosine is a precursor to neurotransmitters such as norepinephrine and dopamine, which can become depleted during stressful activities like intense training. Tyrosine works to increase these stress-depleted neurotransmitters, supporting enhanced mental performance while you train.*


Huperzine A is a potent inhibitor of acetylcholinesterase (AChE), the key brain enzyme responsible for the rapid degradation of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine. By preventing the breakdown of acetylcholine, this powerful nootropic enhances cognitive performance, helping you stay on point mentally until the very last rep.*


Green tea extract is rich in polyphenol antioxidants called catechins, which have been shown to increase antioxidant potential and protect against oxidative damage caused by exercise.* The BLOODSHOT formula delivers 300 mg of green tea leaf extract to enhance exercise performance and to help improve recovery for better workouts!*

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